Core Values


Where a member is acting on behalf of the Organization, he/she shall be expected to do so with high integrity and in a manner that does not in any way bring ReGenesis to any kind of disrepute.  


Every member is required to demonstrate team spirit in the undertaking of all organizational activities especially in situations that involve the participation of other members of ReGenesis. The Organization encourages cooperation between and among all its members in all shared activities aimed at the achievement of the Organization’s set objectives.  


Within its shared official platforms and communication channels, the Organization calls all its members to maintain focus in discussing, debating and implementation only of activities that are consistent with its set objectives. 


Each member of ReGenesis shall conduct themselves in the most respectable manner in all situations and spaces where they act in the name of the Organization.  Further every member of ReGenesis is required to communicate, in writing or verbally, with the other members with respect.  


ReGenesis draws its membership from people of different cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, creeds and nationalities. The Organization treasures this diversity as its source of strength. Every member of the Organization is therefore required to treat the ideas expressed by a fellow member with tolerance even where one may not necessarily agree with such ideas. The Organization highly discourages conflicts between and among its members on its shared communication channels.  


The Organization expects every member to act responsibly in undertaking activities of the Organization at all times.  


A member of ReGenesis shall be accountable for activities undertaken in the name of the Organization. For this reason, every member should ensure that the conduct of activities one undertakes in the name of the Organization conforms to the Organization’s plans and objectives.  

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